I am ever fascinated by how exploring the way we move can shift our perception and reveal ever more satisfying, and authentic ways to be in the world.
I began practicing Thai in 2000 and am Advanced Certified in Thai Bodywork. I practiced table massage for eight years before Thai appeared in my life. Spending over 10 years working with people in the later years of life has given me a heart-felt appreciation for the beauty and dignity of all bodies and of our shared humanity.
I love to teach and have lead many professional trainings and Community Thai workshops as well as being a guest lecturer in Anatomy at Middlebury College. I am a graduate of Reed College.
I grew up dancing and am a student of tai chi, the dharma, yoga and an avid outdoors person. My dharma adventures began in my 20’s with Zen and in Tibetan Bon. I began tai chi studies in 1993. As a martial art which is neither offensive nor defensive, tai chi continues to inform my bodywork approach.
My community continues to be my most profound teacher. It is a true honor to meet people in the reality of all that life can bring.